Vibes And Pressure

So I’m sitting here thinking what I shd write 4 this blog abt Vibes and Pressure. My overstanding brings me 2 a place of turmoil. What do the masses wanna hear?

Do they wanna drink and smoke their pressures away, whist vibing on the irony of their discontent? Shd I tell them that it’s all good? Let the polytricksters and beaurocheats play their games whilst we tune in 2 music, the true heartbeat of the people? Now I’m thinking abt something I an’ I heard yesterday, abt how the yout’ dem a gwaan like beast, how “daggering” is the norm in a bashment dance, how the young r so ready 2 stay that way that they kill each other rather than move up and take their place eventually as older heads. We used 2 worry abt babies having babies, now babies r killing babies.. just 2 get a rep.. (peace out 2 Gifted Unlimited Rhymes Universal)

Now, while my 1st urge is 2 tell them 2 fix the phuc up, my overstanding tells me that it’s mayb not so simple. The polytricksters use the opium of the nation 2 tell us that we r out of control, that more “punitive measures” must be enforced, that we need more skisms of control 2 protect them – and us – from us. Now I an’ I know some of u r reading this and saying “ Corrd, wtf? Why u saying “us”? Is the yout’ dem, we just vibes out, smoke a likkle sumpt’n, hit a likkle henny, an’ watch the madness.. is the yout dem u must talk 2!”

But c.. I disagree. Rastafari (not tryna preach, just showing u a vibes, no pressure) has a fundamental principle, I and I. Me and mine. And, if mine is in turmoil and war, how can that make me ok? Dietrich Bonhoeffer said "The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children", and we sit and watch the madness unfold, shaking heads and kissing our teeth. Not that the polytricksters r right. While they try 2 scare u into making the world a safer place, the truth is that, 4 the poor, 4 the disenfranchised, 4 the masses, this economic slavery in which we exist downpresses the expression of this plight with the post modern mores applied through the media. So we feel the angst, the fury, the hopelessness, yet everything around us tells us we have no business even thinking such thoughts. But even a negative vibe must exert pressure. So the yout’ dem rampage and older heads run to the embrace of southern comfort, all the while supporting the skism with consumption.

My general, the Hindu in the Cave, 1ce told me “bruv, sometimes just being smart ain’t enough”. As outer perception turns 2 inner penetration the question is this…… by being a good man, by exercising good citizenry, how have I an’ I helped me and mine? I haven’t. So by this logic, is being a good citizen the same as supporting this skism? That question in itself is conflict.
I look over at the opium box and the man I can c tells me 2 vote 4 him, while some other man’s voice is telling me (objectively, of course, no impropriety in Aunty’s House) that the 1st man probably won’t get my vote…. U muthaphuccing right!!

The truth ( check me back a next time so we can reason more abt “truth”) of the matter is that while our morality is tested by our childcare, our success, the true measure of our worth is reflected in what we do 4 the least of us, the most vunerable of us, the disempowered. When I an’ I stands and marvels at our accomplishments, where r the monuments 2 the disenfranchised? Scorn is the acceptable expression of belonging, and sarcasm is the benchmark of our humour. Who wld want 2 sit amongst the trash any way? Funny that, cos Bob did, yet now he’s used as an icon for cosmopolitanism. Phuccing hilarious…..

The conflict is this. The success of good citizenry is speaking 4 the voiceless, I an’ I included. Yet all this exists within the skizm, which must b maintained, and is not the good citizen the building block of society? I look back at the opium box, I hear a whole bag of blah. We need other voices, unheard voices, untold stories. Mayb, instead of telling the yout’ dem abt themselves, mayb we shd fix the phuc up and listen. What the polytricksters and beaurocheats will never tell I an’ I is that the truly good citizen will stand up and defend his brothers and sisters, will stand beside his troopers and troopettes, and won’t abide by any skism that downpresses the defenseless in order 2 maintain the veneer of civility.

"Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity, nothing exceeds the criticisms made of the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed." Herman Melville

Mayb this isn’t what the masses wanna hear after all…..


Corrd the Seeker

Comments (1)

On 26 February 2011 at 15:25 , determined_drifter said...

man, this is some serious stff, you really speak the truth. but whether the masses wanna listen or not, I know the world would be a better place if at least some of them read this, opened up their eyes, looked the hell around and could feel pride to stand up tall, side by side with all of the disenfranchised.
